Friday 12 March 2010


Kls yg tdinya ribut, menjadi sunyi-senyap stlh guru Bahasa Indonesia yg pg ditakuti itu tlh msk ke dlm ruang kls. Wjhnya garang sprti harimau kelaparan.

Murid2: “Selamat pagi, Bu Guru!”
Bu Guru (dengan suara melengking): “Mengapa blg selamat pagi saja, Kalau begitu siang, sore dan malam kalian mendoakan saya tidak selamat ya?”
Murid2: “Selamat pagi, siang dan sore Bu Guru…”
Bu guru: “Kenapa panjang sekali? Tidak pernah orang mengucapkan selamat seperti itu! Katakan saja selamat sejahtera, kan lebih bagus didengar dan penuh makna? Lagipula ucapan ini meliputi semua masa dan keadaan.”
Murid2: “Selamat sejahtera Bu Guru!”
Bu Guru: “Sama-sama, duduk! Dengar baik-baik!! Hari ini saya mau menguji kalian semua tentang lawan kata atau antonim kata. Kalau saya sebutkan perkataannya, kamu semua harus cepat menjawabnya dengan lawan katanya, mengerti?”
Murid2: “Mengerti Bu Guru…”

Guru: “Pandai!”
Murid2: “Bodoh!”

Guru: Tinggi!
Murid2: Rendah!

Guru: Jauh!
Murid2: Dekat!

Guru: Berjaya!
Murid2: Menang!

Guru: Salah itu!
Murid2: Betul ini!

Guru (geram): Bodoh!
Murid2: Pandai!

Guru: Bukan!
Murid2: Ya!

Guru (mulai pusing): Oh Tuhan!
Murid2: Oh Hamba!

Guru: Dengar ini…
Murid2: Dengar itu…

Guru: Diam!!!!!
Murid2: Ribut!!!!!

Guru: Itu bukan pertanyaan, bodoh!!!
Murid2: Ini adalah jawaban, pandai!!!

Guru: Mati aku!
Murid2: Hidup kami!

Guru: Saya rotan baru tau rasa!!
Murid2: Kamu akar lama tak tau rasa!!

Guru: Malas aku ngajar kalian!
Murid2: Rajin kami belajar bu guru…

Guru: Kalian gila semua!!!
Murid2: Kami waras sebagian!!!

Guru: Cukup! Cukup!
Murid2: Kurang! Kurang!

Guru: Sudah! Sudah!
Murid2: Belum! belum!

Guru: Mengapa kamu semua bodoh sekali?
Murid2: Sebab saya seorang pandai!

Guru: Oh! Melawan, ya??!!
Murid2: Oh! Mengalah, tidak??!!

Guru: Kurang ajar!
Murid2: Cukup ajar!

Guru: Habis aku!
Murid2: Kekal Kamu!

Guru (putus asa): O.K. Pelajaran sudah habis!
Murid2: K.O. Pelajaran belum mulai!

Guru: Sudah, bodoh!
Murid2: Belum, pandai!

Tuesday 5 January 2010

alvin and the chipmunk 2

This animated film directed by Betty Thomas and written by Jonathan Aibel and Jon Vitti. Played by Jason Lee, David Cross and Cameron Richardson. The story is about adventure chipmunk. Once, when Chipmunk concert in progress, David Seville (Jason Lee) had an accident and hospitalized. He should be treated a few days. During that time, he has scheduled Alvin (Justin Long), Simon (Matthew Gray Gubler), and Theodore (Jesse McCartney) to attend school. At school, Chipmunks are most popular among all the existing human pupil. And they all became popular. Meanwhile, Ian Hawke (David Cross) for an animal that can sing and dance. And he make it happen in Brittany (Anna Faris), Jeanette (Christina Applegate), and Eleanor (Amy Poehler), the Chipettes, and can not wait to make them famous and fulfill his promise to avenge the Chipmunks.

avatar the movie.

hey hey gue baru nulis lagi nih haha. soalnya kemaren kemaren males buka blog.
ini dia, film yang keren banget! gue sampe nunggu dvd nya keluar haha. ini aja gue udah nonton 5 kali looh

This film tells about a man named Jake Sully in the year 2154. Jake Sully, played by Sam Worthington as a former U.S. Marine who was wounded during a battle on Earth. He then elected to undergo Avatar program which allows the program to return Jake to walk. Then he went to Pandora's where most of the planet's landscape is just jungle bejarak 4.3 light years from Earth. Now the program is actually caused avatar Because humans can not breathe on her so that they are genetically created human beings with Na'vi. Na'vi is a native creatures from Pandora.

Pandora is a moon orbiting a gas giant planet named Polythemis. Pandora is in shady ekstraterestrial with a unique life - lots of beautiful creatures, but some are terrible. Pandora itself is home to the race Na'vi humanoid creature that is primitive and has a greater ability than ordinary humans, have a 3 feet tall and blue-skinned. The Na'vi live in harmony in the world they are still pure.

Important feature of Pandora is based amonianya's atmosphere. Human beings can survive on the surface of Pandora without protective equipment, but they need a supply of oxygen or they will die. Another important feature that invites people to come to this place is a rare mineral called "Unobtainium". Unobtainium produce a strong magnetic force and a vital component to produce a space ship Earth forward. While Unobtainium very rare on Earth, the number Unobtainium very much in her.

He then met with a woman young Na'vi named Neytiri (Zoë Saldaña). Over time, he then decided to join the clan Na'vi and began to fall in love with Neytiri. That in fact he participated in the program avatar, which in the end he can interact directly with the na'vi did not realize that he had been recruited to become part of her attack. As a result, Jake in a state of the army camps of the earth with the Na'vi camp forced him to determine which faction will she choose in the battle that will determine the fate of Pandora.

in the end, Jake Sully with avatarnya form that should be a liaison between people of the earth with the na'vi and persuade na'vi so willing to move from the land he lives, even eventually lead the na'vi Jake with his knights are tough and brave in a war with the people of the earth because of human actions that destroy the earth soil to live the way na'vi arbitrary.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

flu babi

flu babi adalah kasus-kasus influenza yang disebabkan oleh virus Orthomyxoviridae yang endemik pada populasi babi. Galur virus flu babi yang telah diisolasi sampai saat ini telah digolongkan sebagai Influenzavirus C atau subtipe genus Influenzavirus A. Flu babi diketahui disebabkan oleh virus influenza A subtipe H1N1, H1N2, H3N1, H3N2, dan H2N3.

Flu babi adalah jenis influenza yang disebabkan oleh virus H1N1 yang sebelumnya dikenal menyerang babi. Virus flu babi yaitu H1N1 merupakan mutasi virus influenza A dan biasanya ditemukan di Asia dan Eropa.

Flu babi menginfeksi manusia tiap tahun dan biasanya ditemukan pada orang-orang yang bersentuhan dengan babi, meskipun ditemukan juga kasus-kasus penularan dari manusia ke manusia.

Gejala infeksi virus flu babi termasuk demam, diorientasi, kekakuan pada sendi, muntah-muntah, kehilangan kesadaran, yang berakhir pada kematian. Menurut Pusat Imunisasi dan Penyakit Pernapasan Amerika Serikat, virus H1N1 kebal terhadap obat anti flu seperti amantandine dan rimantandine. Namun zat aktif obat anti flu burung Tamiflu yaitu oseltamivir dan zat aktif obat anti influenza A, zanamivir, efektif mengatasi gejala flu babi pada manusia.

cara menghindari flu babi yaitu jangan ada kontak langsung dengan babi
Karena penularan flu babi melalui udara dan dapat juga melalui kontak langsung dengan penderita, kemudian Masa inkubasinya 3-5 hari. Maka masyarakat dihimbau untuk mewaspadai seperti halnya terhadap flu burung.

Thursday 23 April 2009

love story - taylor swift

Love story

We were both young, when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts-
I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air.

I see the lights; see the party, the ball gowns.
I see you make your way through the crowd-
You say hello, little did I know...

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles-
And my daddy said "stay away from Juliet"-
And I was crying on the staircase-
begging you, "Please don't go..."
And I said...

Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess,
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.

So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet, because we're dead if they knew-
So close your eyes... escape this town for a little while.
Oh, Oh.

Cause you were Romeo - I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said "stay away from Juliet" -
but you were everything to me-
I was begging you, "Please don't go"
And I said...

Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes-

Romeo save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel.
This love is difficult, but it's real.
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
Oh, Oh.

I got tired of waiting.
Wondering if you were ever coming around.
My faith in you was fading-
When I met you on the outskirts of town.
And I said...

Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting, for you but you never come.
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think-
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said...

Marry me Juliet, you'll never have to be alone.
I love you, and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad -- go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby just say... yes.
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh.

'cause we were both young when I first saw you

Monday 20 April 2009

flu singapore

“flu singapore” sebenarnya adalah penyakit yang di dunia kedokteran dikenal sebagai hand, foot, and mouth disease (hfmd) atau dalam bahasa indonesia penyakit tangan, kaki, dan mulut (ptkm). penyakit ini sesungguhnya sudah lama ada di dunia. berdasar laporan yang ada, kejadian luar biasa penyakit ini sudah ada di tahun 1957 di toronto, kanada. sejak itu terdapat banyak kejadian di seluruh dunia. di indonesia sendiri sebenarnya penyakit ini bukan penyakit baru.
istilah “flu singapore” muncul karena saat itu terjadi ledakan kasus dan kematian akibat penyakit ini di singapura. karena gejalanya mirip flu, dan saat itu terjadi di singapura (dan kemudian juga terjadi di indonesia), banyak media cetak yang membuat istilah “flu singapore”

Tuesday 24 March 2009

midnight sun

udah pada tau tentang midnight sun blom ? yup . twilight tapi dari sudut pandang edward . jadi itu bukan lanjutan breaking dawn ya ! tapi sayangnya belom terbit tuhh . (but penggemar twilight diharapkan bersabar) . but , stephenie meyer sang penulis twilight , new moon , eclipse , breaking dawn , midnight sun , udah berbaik hati sama kita yaitu membocorkan chapter 1 nya midnight sun . kalo mau liat download aja - document sharing - download midnight sun indonesia bab 1.pdf . makasiii .